Care and Support Needs

Assessing your needs

If you have care and support needs and find it difficult to look after yourself, we may be able to advise you and provide you with some help.

When we assess you, as a minimum you may be given information and signposting to other services that will help you to maintain your independence. However, if we agree that your needs meet the national eligibility criteria, we will help you to meet your needs.

We also need to know if you have any unpaid carers, as they may need help to continue to support you. If you think you are a carer you have a right to an assessment.

An assessment:
  • Must be provided if you appear to need care and support, regardless of your finances or whether we think your needs will be eligible
  • Must be of your needs and how they impact on your wellbeing, and the outcomes you want to achieve
  • Must be carried out with involvement from yourself and, where appropriate, your carer or someone else you choose, including an independent advocate.

If the assessment shows you are eligible for our support we will work with you to develop your support plan. We will also carry out a financial assessment.

If you are not eligible for our services you can find more options for 'a little bit of help' or 'arranging your own care'.

If you think adult social care can help support you, a family member or friend please get in touch. You can 'explore your support needs' on-line 

Are we your local authority?

You need to live within the boundary of Rochdale Borough Council to be able to receive support services from Adult Social Care.

Check to see if you are a Rochdale resident

Care and Support Needs

Click below to complete a questionnaire that is designed to help identify any care and support needs and will link to a list of independent support providers who may be able to meet those needs.

Alternatively, to explore your needs as a carer please contact Adult Social Care on 0300 303 8886

Explore your care and support needs

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